The Village Hall Association operates and maintains three buildings on Leonard Street at the head of Bridgewater Street. The Old Leonard School, now The Exchange and Art Gallery, the Old Firehouse now the Historical Society and the venerable Village Hall which houses the Village Library, the Leonard Club, the auditorium and the Annisquam Village Realty.
The Village Library- A well-stocked library for children and adults with over 5,000 books, among them the classics, travel, arts and crafts and the latest fiction, non-fiction and suspense. Tea is served at the Library on Mondays, November through April at 3-5 PM. Open: Monday, 3-5 PM and Saturday 9-11AM throughout the year.
The Leonard Club- The purpose of the club is to promote the civic and social welfare of Gloucester. Meetings of special interest are held throughout the year.
The "Hall"- Occupying the second floor of the Village Hall, this has for many years been the community center for meetings, parties and social events. The auditorium including a stage is equipped with modern kitchen facilities, heat and air conditioning. Seating capacity is 150.
The Exchange- The Exchange originated 73 years ago in the old Firehouse and moved to its present location in the historic Leonard School in the mid-1940s. The Exchange donates profits for the maintenance of the historic buildings in the village. It also supports the Good Neighbors Program, Mt Adnah Cemetery and local organizations when the need arises. The Exchange is a consignment shop , a source for unique items including antiques, silver, china and collectibles. It also sells gifts, toys, cards, candy and souvenir Annisquam apparel.
The Art Gallery- The gallery on the second floor of the old Leonard School is now in it's 59th year. Community interest in the arts has brought growing numbers of exhibitors from Cape Ann, many of whom are present or former residents of the village. The artists include all ages both professional and non-professional. Works are not subject to jury acceptance, although increasing entries for exhibitions necessitate the Art Committee's selective action to meet the limits of available space. The Gallery houses a permanent collection of the works of George Harvey.
The Historical Society- In the old Firehouse, "Hose 8", an extensive and growing collection contains genealogical information and many historic items, notably of Cape Ann. Old photographs, prints and documents provide background on the history of Annisquam. Reprints of photographs of "Squam and Cape Ann between 1885 and 1920 by the renowned photographer Martha Hale Harvey and others are available for purchase. The original stagecoach which traveled from Annisquam to Gloucester was operated by the Griffin family is exhibited here.
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